Abell 1367 (Leo)

(fritz kleinhans)

thumbnail of Abell 1367

Abell 1367
March 5/6, 2016, Chiefland, FL.

TAK 250 CDK with f/7.3 focal reducer; fl = 1825 mm.
Cooled, modified Hutech Canon 6D, ISO 800, 0.74 "/pixel.
(the scope only covers an APS-C chip, so with the full size 6D
chip there is a lot of vignetting  around the field edge.  The pic is slightly cropped; 39.9' x 30.1')
Air ~ 44 F, Camera ~ -14 C
AP 1100 Mount, 50mm f/5 Borg Guidescope, Lodestar and PHD2, dithering.
7.5 min subs x 21 = 157.5 min  (4 of 25 rejected)
21 lites, 5 darks, 3 flats; captured in BackYard EOS and processed in Images Plus and Picture Window 7.

North is to the left.  Below is a cropped and labeled  view of the area around the giant elliptical NGC 3842.
The noise and sky darkness is not uniform across the field.  The noise gradient is easy to understand, next paragraph.

TAK lists the image circle for this setup at 25 mm.  Not enough to cover the 24 x 36 mm chip.  Thus there is severe vignetting.
At the far edges the illumination is only ~ 61% of the center and in the corners it is only 35% of the center.
Thus in moving from the center to the edge and corners of the frame, the 'stretching' and noise increases.
As for the non uniform darkness of the sky,  I expect I need to do a better job of flat fielding.
The picture definitely needs more work :).  The mid and highlight tones seem over stretched.  Thus some of the small spirals seem over stretched and have lost detail.

thumbnail of A1367 chart

 Abell 1367 field in Sky Tools Pro 3
(down to ~ m = 18)









thumbnail of ngc 3842 region
Crop of the NGC 3842 region:
(rotated so north is up)










thumbnail of B&W ngc 3842 region


NGC 3842 region in negative B&W; from above.

Several galaxies are labeled and identified on the full size image at left.
Simbad and NED were used for the identifications and magnitudes.  Simbad often lists
a blue and a red magnitude, and in that case I took the average for a visual magnitude.
This photo easily goes down to m = 20 and contains many galaxies not indexed by Simbad
and for which it was necessary to use NED.  It can be hard to distinguish galaxy from star
for the faintest objects.  The SDSS9 photo, below, was used to verify this distinction.
Sorry if there are any transcription errors.  All those numbers make me cross eyed!

Note that there are (at least) three Quasars in the picture; # 15, 19, and 21.  Check out
their colors in the color image above.

The two arrowed but unlabeled objects in UGC 6697 are background galaxies.

(Note:  I have been using NED up to now.  I found Simbad much easier and helpful for this type
of identification work.  That said, NED had to be used to ID the faintest galaxies and was used for #22 on.)

thumbnail of SDSS9 image


NGC 3842 Region

Composite of SDSS9 data downloaded from Simbad.


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